CK Artist Showcase: Ruth Davis

CK Artist Showcase: Ruth Davis

This month's CK Artist Showcase sees Cult Kits speak with one of our favourite artists; Ruth Davis. The Brighton, (soon to be Liverpool) based artist explores the beauty of the game through her unique use of colour and playful style, which has caught the attention of thousands and established her work as a favourite for many.

Ruth has worked with the likes of adidas and had her work has featured at exhibitions in Paris. She is a designer we've long since admired and we're even lucky enough to own an original piece of Ruth's artwork, (the Lucy Bronze painting is hung up in one of the CK founders living room) along with some limited edition prints. You'll most likely have seen her work across your social media feeds at some point, it's been shared that much. And it's certainly not hard to see why. 

There's an elegance and innocence to her work that is giving many women in sport and who love the beautiful game a voice. After studying at the Slade School of Fine Art in London, Ruth was quick to have her work recognised, featuring in British Vogue, Shinzo Pari and France’s edition of Grazia magazine. 

We caught up with Ruth to learn a bit more about where her style and inspiration comes from.


CK: Ok, Ruth... first things first, who's your team?

RD: Liverpool!

CK: Well being from Liverpool it was going to be 50/50 on that one, wasn't it.

Can you tell us what your earliest memory of football is? And by that we mean, was it a game you might have gone too, or seen on the tele, an item of clothing at a market or in a shop etc... what got you into the world of footy basically?

RD: Growing up in Liverpool, football is everywhere, really. You can be standing waiting for a bus and a kid is practising with a football. I think Liverpool as a city makes sense viewed through Football and music. My first memory? being hit in the face with a football in the playground at St Mary’s Much Woolton primary school. I hated it! 

CK: Ouch... we've all been there. So, what does football mean to you and how has it influenced your work?




RD: A lot. A sense of community, shared purpose, incredible drama (highs and lows expressed in a relatively safe way) Also exercise in a fun way you forget it is exercise. Even a kick about in a park or Sunday league, the simplicity of practising skill with a ball is so absorbing, it is like a form of mindfulness. 




I have always loved drawing but the only things I have been able to complete successfully as paintings have been my work about football. It is so strange! So that tells you all you need to know.






I think it is the combination of bright colours, clean patterns and line which I have always loved in painting and is reflected in so many great football kits. Also, there is the idea of drawing attention to something and elevating it by painting it and I wanted to do this for football, to make the beautiful game as beautiful as it could be. 




CK: We know you're busy getting ready to move back to Liverpool, but what are you working on at the moment?

RD: Painting a better shirt on Gunnersaurus, it has the marble 2020-21 Arsenal Away on at the moment and that hasn't been popular! I am replacing it with 1995/96 Away shirt which was recommended to me by an Arsenal fan- they know best! It is so nearly done and I have been saying on my Instagram for the past few days that I am going to finish it. 




CK: No way. We love that one, but another variant of it in the world is no bad thing. We look forward to seeing that one.

What artists have inspired your work and approach?

RD: Alex Katz, Yayoi Kusama. 

CK: Ok, we can see that influence now. 
What can we expect to see from you this year? 

RD: More work about LFC. I also plan for a group exhibition in the summer. 

CK: That's fantastic, tell us when and we're there.

Naturally we have to ask you this... but what football shirts stand out for you? Do you have a favourite? How big is your shirt collection? 




RD: Moving back to Liverpool has made me rationalise my shirt collection! My favourites are a Warrior Gerrard shirt and the French 2019 WWC Hexadot shirt is very special to me.




Roma shirts always look good ( I regret selling my Mazda Roma shirt- it sold instantly on eBay and I thought that obviously means I priced that too low!).

I always look forward to the Napoli Halloween editions.… I haven't met anyone who doesn't like the Japanese Team’s 2023 shirt; it is everything I’d like my paintings to be. 

CK: YOU SOLD THE ROMA!!! That's outrageous but we forgive you. And yes, the Japan shirts are what all football shirts should strive to be aren't they.

Do you have anything else in the pipeline this year you can tell us about? 

RD: I am designing a programme for Ringleaders FC and working on commissions for Red Star FC. 

CK: Ok, we'll keep an eye out for these works then. We're guessing you're not against doing something for LFC either, no?

RD: I would you love to collaborate with / do a commission for Liverpool FC! 

CK: @ the Liverpool admin... make this happen please.



You can view more of Ruth's brilliant work

Follow Ruth on her Instagram at  @miss_ruth_e


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