We're really pleased to announce we are going to have an actual, real, physical retail space in Los Angeles.
We've teamed up with our pals Saturdays Football and will be selling the very finest classic shirts from their clubhouse in Highland Park.

The venue is an old church and it comes with a speakeasy, where matches will be screened, a 3v3 pitch outside, plus loads of other cool stuff, which will make this a place like no other in LA.

Local residents and shirt fans can get a first glimpse of the space this coming Sunday, when the doors finally open from noon. The clubhouse will have some 500+ classic shirts from around the football adoring world.
Customers will also be treated to a range of items on top jerseys available, such as classic bench-wear and training gear. Doors will be open until 5pm.

We'd obviously love to see you there but, if the price if the flight is prohibitive, we'll be sharing loads of video and pictures on our social channels... so stay tooooooned.
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